Insurance fraud comes in many different forms. When people think of insurance fraud they usually think of false claims for injury. There are many ways a person can defraud an insurance company. When a person provides false information to an insurance company in order to gain something on their end, insurance fraud was committed. If you are in the Nevada or Las Vegas area, you need Nevada private investigators to help prove insurance fraud was committed.

False insurance claims come in a variety of forms such as:

  • Worker’s comp fraud
  • Faking accidents such as property accidents
  • Exaggerated claims
  • Staging a robbery

Insurance fraud can be experienced in a number of ways. If you suspect insurance fraud, Las Vegas insurance fraud investigations from Elite Investigations will help you to uncover the truth you deserve. With surveillance methods, background checks and even electronic countermeasures, we can help to uncover the truth for good!

What is the Penalty for Insurance Fraud?

Any dishonest act to defraud an insurance company will result in a penalty. Many states have different laws for insurance fraud, but fraud cases can result in probation, fines, community service or jail time. Insurance fraud causes losses for both businesses and insurance companies. According to, 10% of annual insurance losses are due to fraudulent claims.

Who to Trust to Examine Your Claims?

If you suspect insurance fraud is happening in any form, you can trust the corporate investigator  Las Vegas Elite Investigations to examine your claim. We are private investigators who have been working in the Las Vegas area for over 20 years. We have the manpower and capability to handle any case at a moments notice – and help deliver you results! Contact us for a consultation today to help solve your insurance fraud case once and for all.