If you are in need of private investigation services, go with an experienced company that you can trust. In times that you need an extra hand to help investigate something you believe is going on, Elite Investigations are the Nevada private investigators to help you get to the bottom of the issue.
From internal company theft to missing persons searches, we can help get to the bottom of your problem. With specialties in corporate investigative services that include insurance fraud, witness and missing persons search, surveillance, background checks and attorney services we are the best equipped private detective agency in the Las Vegas area.
With decades of experience, Elite Investigations will discover the truth. For domestic investigations, we will conduct background checks of persons involved. We will discover any criminal records through our research. If it is a spousal investigation, we will conduct discreet surveillance and return with our findings. If it is a missing persons search, we will go through our access to over 1,000 information databases which save time and money. We these databases, we may be able to find the person without conducting a search in the first place.
For corporate investigations, we have experienced investigators working around the clock to settle employment issues. From insurance fraud and worker’s comp fraud to internal theft and FMLA violations, we can determine any fraudulent activity in the workplace. Surveillance will last from early morning to late at night to determine the worker’s daily activities. We work to protect your interests, and can determine when a disabled claimant is truly unable to work or when suspected employees are stealing. According to the US Chamber of Commerce, over 50 billion dollars are lost to employee theft and fraud each year. It is important if you are suspecting employee fraud to get to the bottom of it, since companies can become bankrupt from employee fraud.
With over 20 years, and being the largest Las Vegas investigative services, we can assure you that we will get to the bottom of your case in a timely, accurate manner. At Elite Investigations, our investigators go through extensive training to get to the culprit of the issue, to give you the peace of mind that you deserve. Contact Elite Investigations today to schedule your appointment and get your issue solved today.
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