The Las Vegas investigators at Elite Investigations will help with any situation that you need investigation services. Whether your issue involves: corporate, financial, legal, missing persons, domestic issues and more – you can count on an experienced Las Vegas private investigator to help you solve your case.

What is the Work Environment Like for Our Private Investigators?

For the private investigators at Elite Investigations, they have a physical location that many other private investigators in the area do not have. Be very wary of investigators that ask to meet you in different locations – there are many scam artists out there that claim to be private investigators. They ask for money up front without giving you a main location. This way, once they get your money, you will not know how to find them. With Elite Investigations, you will have constant contact with us. We will not contract work to other investigators outside of our agency and are the largest surveillance based investigative firms in Nevada. If you are looking for an experienced Nevada private investigator, you have come to the right place.

What Services Do They Commonly Deal With?

The most common services that Elite Investigations deals with are corporate investigations and domestic investigations. With corporate investigations, we deal with everything from Las Vegas insurance fraud to internal theft and fraud. With domestic investigations, we deal with everything from missing persons search to spousal surveillance and background checks. Here at Elite Investigations, we can keep a watchful eye when you can’t.

So if you cannot get the answers that you need, contact Elite Investigations for all the information that you need. Our investigators know the locals and lay of the land – which will benefit you in your investigation. We have over 20 years of investigative service and are available to handle your case at a moment’s notice.