If you have been concerned about a personal issue that you cannot seem to solve yourself – whether it’s a domestic, corporate or missing persons issue – trust a true professional to help you solve your case. At Elite Investigations, we are the professional Las Vegas private investigators that are able to help you with the surveillance issues and background checks that will be difficult to conduct yourself. If you find yourself unable to figure out an ongoing issue, try giving us a call to help you out.
How to Find a Certified Private Investigator
Find out the information you need to know with the help from our professional private investigators who non stop to find your answer. We always dedicate our time to giving timely and honest information to our clients, so they can have a resolution sooner than later. Make sure you are choosing a good company. There are many firms who claim that they are a private investigation company, but many times they outsource outside of Las Vegas to people who are not qualified to solve your case. They should be licensed, insured and bonded in the state that they are conducting their services.
Bug Detection Services
If you began your investigation yourself and couldn’t finish it, you likely didn’t have the high-tech equipment that you need to conduct bug detection services. Elite Investigation has all types of electronic countermeasures like hidden recording devices and computer spyware to GPS tracking and many other sophisticated spy equipment.
Warning Signs Something is Happening
With domestic issues, your spouse may be secretive of where they are going. They may spend extra hours after work or at night and not say where they are going. They also may be working out more, or not want you to see messages on their phone. With corporate issues, you may see items missing from the office, possible embezzlement or even worker’s compensation fraud. With a missing person’s case, someone that always answers their phone within 24 hours may not have answered for 3 days. They also may have gone somewhere with an unknown person, or you may be looking for old school friends. With whatever the case, we will be there when you can’t be. Contact Elite Investigations today to schedule a free consultation to find out how we can help you.
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